Intercultural Competence
UNESCO defines intercultural competence as the ability to adopt the right role, effectively and appropriately, in interactions with people of different languages and cultures.
This competence brings together a set of essential skills such as adaptability, self-awareness, curiosity, empathy, open-mindness,…
The point of intercultural competence is to take advantage of our similarities and differences in order to benefit from mutual enrichment.
This competence allows us to better manage risks in a diverse environment, and thus contributes to securing, sustaining and developing relationships and businesses.

" We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are ."
- Anais Nin
„One understands the word well only if one understands the speaker well.“
-Louis Joseph Mabire
“Our collective wealth is made up of our diversity. “The other”, individual or society, is precious to us insofar as he is unlike us.“