Exposure to other cultures through multicultural teams and international business relations are the norm today. However, people are generally unaware of how culture influences our daily social and business interactions. Cultural differences are not always perceived, downplayed or even ignored.
I often hear "Everyone speaks English these days, so there is no communication barrier anymore!". It is a trap to think like this because the most important thing is not to understand the words but the substance of the message within the context.
Working methods:
Interactive training based on theoretical input, case studies, fun learning experiences (visuals, role plays, self-reflection…) with group, pair or individual work. Within each training session there is time for discussion and question time.
Inhouse or virtual?
Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages; Depending on your needs and the evolution of the health situation, we can decide on the form during our preparatory meeting.
In the case of inhouse trainings, the training room will be provided by the organisation.
In both cases, the groups are composed of 6 to 12 people maximum.
For anyone working in a multicultural team, with international clients or partners to develop their cultural awareness in order to increase their ease and performance in various cultural contexts.
What are the objectives?
To learn how and why we think, act and communicate differently according to our cultural background.
At the end of this training, participants are better equipped to act and interact in an intercultural environment.
Multicultural teams have a clear competitive advantage because they are more efficient, creative and productive than mono-cultural teams.
This customised training covers key characteristics of intercultural communication and strategies to manage effectively multicultural teams.
This training is also designed for you if you are part of a multicultural team, whether on-site or dispersed.
What are the objectives?
To learn about the major cultural dimensions that define communication styles and attitudes in daily business activities.
Once the cultural codes of the team and possible misunderstandings have been identified the participants will acquire the keys to avoid, overcome blunders and create cohesion within a multicultural team by turning cultural differences into real assets.
Why prepare for an expatriation?
To significantly increase the effectiveness of participants in meeting the challenge of their expatriation and allow the company to get a better return on their investment.
This training is aimed at candidates (and their spouses) to go on expatriation to France or Germany.
What are the objectives?
To help participants familiarise themselves with their future working environment and way of livng for their families, in France or Germany and facilitate and accelerate their integration .
In addition, in the context of international mobility, this training teaches participants how to manage the culture shock to come as well as to prepare their reintegration after their return.
Living and working in Germany
The objectives are:
- to provide keys to understanding and deciphering how to communicate, live and build relationships in Germany
- to understand relationships between colleagues, managers and employees
- to facilitate and accelerate integration on the job
Who should attend?
Expatriates who wish to learn the essentials of German culture as well as
Spouses of expatriates who wish to receive a good level of understanding of the culture and build a network outside of work but also
People working with Germans on a regular basis and who would like to understand the different communication styles and adapt.
Living and working in France
The objectives are:
to provide keys to understanding and deciphering the way of communicating, living and building relationships in France
to understand the relationship between colleagues, managers and employees
to facilitate and accelerate integration on the spot
Who should attend?
Expatriates who wish to learn the essentials of French culture as well as
Spouses of expatriates who wish to receive a good level of understanding of the culture and build a professional and/or non-professional network.
People working with Germans on a regular basis and who would like to understand the different communication styles and adapt.
And many other topics! Please contact me to discuss your specific needs.
for individuals
in Cologne Germany
and surroundings
I will be happy to discuss your situation, assess your needs and build an adapted support.
E-Mail:: everhee@cultural-bridges.com